Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Letter for the next president

 February 3, 2014
Mr Prabowo subianto
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

 First of all give thanks to Allah SWT because Allah still give us health and protection to make our Nation more peaceful.
Salawat and salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW that has brought us from darkness into lightness.
 With honor and all respect, we are Muhammand Alariq Alghifari and Muhammad Handika Fadhlurrahman Noer, we would like to present an opinion on things that we suggest to support you as the next president of Republic Indonesia.
 As we can see nowadays Indonesia is well known as a developing country in international world, either in politics, economics, and national defense.
But, if we see the conflicts inside of our country is horrible, the biggest problem in our country are corruption and criminalities.
 The corruption rate in Indonesia is increasing every year, this corruption can make both the country and the government suffer. We personally think that the corruption here is like parasites that can ruin the governmental structure, it becomes the main obstacles for government and developing processes.
 The government have to always be cautious of corruption, law in Indonesia must be more assertive base on UUD 1945 and corruptors have to be punished as heavy as possible.
 Observing many criminalities that happened in Indonesia, that is so terrifying. From kidnapping, murdering, sexual abuse. From any criminals act there must be victims, whether from wealth or lives. Criminals act happened because of less appliances of law, and the condition of this country is on lack of employment and also economy crisis.
 Hopefully you can be much better in the future to lead this country accordance with what people wants.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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